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In A Nutshell

Scifi fantasy romance author Michelle O'Leary resides in Marquette, MI which graces the shore of pristine Lake Superior. Born and raised in Upper Michigan, Michelle is a child of nature, enjoying all things outdoors.

Originally published through a small e-publisher, Michelle became an independent author publishing her work through Amazon Kindle, CreateSpace, and Smashwords before being accepted into The Wild Rose Press family. Her titles include At Sun's Rising, Vessel of Power, The Huntress, The Third Sign, Sunscapes Trilogy, Light of Kaska, and more.

Michelle is a mother first, a dedicated chocoholic, a contented Michigander, and a delirious word lover. She loves all feedback and is always happy to hear from readers!

Long Story Short

My love affair with writing began when I was about twelve years old. I dove headfirst into the fantasy genre by tackling JRR Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, which filled me with dreams of distant places, heroic quests, and let's face it, seriously cool critters. I was a voracious reader and there didn't seem to be enough stories in the world to satisfy me, so began to create my own.


I've been writing ever since, but The Huntress was the first novel I offered to publishers. I was lucky to find an e-publisher who was committed to working with the author every step of the way, and I was excited to be part of the growing e-book market. Sadly, that publisher dissolved, but I continued on as an independent author, before being accepted as an author with The Wild Rose Press.


Now I have several books and short stories e-published, but those of us who write for the sheer joy of it are never done. New stories and exciting characters constantly challenge me, clamoring to be written. I am, of course, up to the challenge. But the real question is, are you ready for them, Adventurous Reader?

Vessel of Power by Michelle O'Leary
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